"Allow me to reintroduce myself!" Easier said than done, but aren't you allowed to? Isn't that one of the joys of growth? Is there a pipe dream that is worth chasing to you? An "unattainable" goal that you're still aiming to complete? Trust me when I say, you are not alone. We are not alone.
Don’t be Afraid to Shine
Have you ever heard the expression, you’ll laugh at your fears when you realize who you really are? I see much truth in that statement. It’s similar to the concept of your biggest obstacle in your life is yourself.
Now imagine this. There may be someone watching you closely and is being inspired by who you are. We may never know who that someone is, but they exist. They’re that reminder that being you to enough to inspire. To me, that’s enough motivation to be the best version of yourself that you can be.
If they’re going to watch, then give them something to see. Shine bright.
Invest in yourself. You're worth it.
It’s not often that we’re told, “you have value.” There are three currencies that I consider when appraising value. The one that we have equal of is time. How much do you spend on yourself?
"Change isn't made by watching from the sidelines." Don't go with the Flow. Create the Wave. You'd be surprised at who is watching you.
There’s a bigger picture.
There’s a bigger purpose.
There’s a bigger process.
There’s a bigger payoff.
It’s bigger than you.”
"You reap what you sow.
You reap later than when you sow.
You reap more than what you sow."
“So here we are…
It's funny how so close can seem so far.
Damn, this is your moment
Damn, this supposed to be your moment, ain't it?
This supposed to be your moment
What good is being the one when you the only one that knows it?”
A few good passages, proverbs, and quotes constantly ring in my head. So it’s time to answer the call of wisdom. My words to you are words I wish to live by. Leading by example is the path I wish to walk down.
So allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is Tariq Ali!