We all have, whether it is something we possess or not, something in our proximity that we simply must resist. Let’s say something simple such as butter for example. I can attest to its temptation. “Alright, I’m going to work out every day and improve my diet.” Where I may achieve the first goal, I have struggled mightily with the second. Everyone has a vice that they would call their natural weakness. One of the most dangerous vices that I’ve come across goes by the name, Lust.
Lust (from The Seven Deadly Sins) by James Todd
intense sexual desire or appetite.
uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.
a passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually followed by for): a lust for power.
ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish:
What makes lust more dangerous than any other vice? Well, consider this concept. All of the Seven Deadly Sins are a direct imitation of their heavenly counterpart. We introduced this concept before in a previous blog (Self-Discipline). One side promotes love, the other encourages hate. With sex being the biggest marketing campaign for Lust, it is one of the deadly sins that can disguise itself as a member of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.
Do you know about the Venus flytrap? It attracts flies or other prey by secreting nectar within its mouth. The smell is too sweet for insects to resist. Once they take the bait and land on the plant, the mouth closes within an instant to devour the insect. Sounds familiar? That’s because Lust uses a similar technique.
The sin is too sweet to resist and before you know it… devoured.
withstand the action or effect of.