Steady Rock

Dear Lord,

Something seems different this year. I’ve seen less graduation excitement.

Of course, we’re excited for the youth. As an educator, I love the new opportunities to help those advance in their career. I even look forward to the next wave of graduates.


But this year, the wave seemed to hit us harder. Technology grows on an exponential scale. I wonder how far to the right we are.


If these recent students were anything like me, Lord, then they would be very adapt in the current technological advancement. What will the next wave be able to accomplish?


The ability to consume knowledge faster.  


This is what You warned us about from the beginning. And I thought I was poetic. Nothing compares to The Author.

Still, I have no fear. I have no worries. You really are awesome. Forgive me if my modern tongue is offensive, but I assume You know all languages as You know my heart.


I must apologize.

Even I benefit from this knowledge.

I contribute to this culture.

At this rate, what will we hold sacred?


Have we become the new Corinth? Did our ancestors pray to You for freedom just for us to abandon You? Have we become Israel? I now understand Judges.


The ability to make what we want.


Terrible gifts that make it easy to be distracted. With my eyes on You, I see how much this knowledge has shown me that I know nothing. I’m so thankful for all that I have and all that I don’t have. I’m just so thankful. You are still God. Our God. God of America. God of all.


I want to help others, Lord.


As the new waves hit, please allow me to be a steady rock for people to stand on.

May my words bring comfort to angry voices.

Peace to troubled minds.

Calm to anxious thoughts.

Clarity to puzzled hearts.

Wisdom to open ears.

I know it’s pointless to even imagine what that will look like, but I welcome it.


Please forgive me for my sins.


In Jesus’ name,



The Promise

